Wednesday 22 August 2012

Balanced Exposure - Portraits

This afternoon's class was another up off your bums and go take some photos exercise, which was great. I paired up with the alway's colourful besties Tabitha and Hayley.

We were assigned a monoblock lighting kit and had a list of shots to achieve of each other at different locations around campus.

It was great to shoot with these girls for a change and here are the photographs i managed to take of Tabitha.


Dual light portrait.
Main light to right of camera (bounce umbrella) to
the left of camera.
Dual light portrait.
Main light to right of camera (open
reflector dish) and a softer fill light
(bounce umbrella) left of camera.

Dual light portrait.
Main light to right of camera (open reflector dish) and
softer fill light (bounce umbrella) left of camera witha balanced exposure of background and subject.

Single light portrait.
Main light to right of camera (bounce umbrella) to
the left of camera.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Monoblock Flash


This afternoon's class was very good. 

We had the chance to get up off our bums and use some of the portable lighting kits available to us first years to experiment with balancing exposures and simply start to get our heads around the technology and the equipment itself.

So as always we were split into groups and started to see what we could come up with.

Here are some shots.


The mono-block kit equipment in its casing.

One of Tabitha's amazingly colourful stockings/leg

Belinda getting her hands dirty and showing us all
how to setup and adjust the lighting kits.

A quick portrait of William Straw.

A behind the scenes snap shot of how we went about
things during today's mono-block experimenting.

Angus unknowingly posing.

The outdoor fashion shoot that was happening only
a few meters from ours. Pretty sure RED was the
colour of the day.

William framing up me as i frame up him :]

Angus and Subas desperately trying to get through
the glass to join in on our photo-shoot.

Subas gave in and started selling umbrellas.

Kiki giving me some attitude. Either that
or she just smelt Gus's fart :]

A quick and candid turn-around portrait of Subas.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Major Assignment - PR Folio.


We were given our first major task today.

Our assessment task is to produce a collection of Corporate Portraits. It should prove challenging, but be very rewarding if everything goes to plan. We are required to produce a Public Relations Folio that must include the following:

Group portrait
  • Photograph a group of 6 people in an outdoor location. We are encouraged to be creative, but keep in mind the fact that the purpose of this is to give a positive image about their business.

3 individual portraits
  • Standard head & shoulders portrait with white background - photographed inside on location.
  • More creative head & shoulders/three quarter portrait - photographed inside with a simple background on location with a more relaxed expression.
  • An environmental portrait - photographed in a setting relative to their business/industry to elements of what they do without it totally distracting from the subject. They must remain the main focus of the overall image.

My thoughts...

I had considered going back to The Royal Canberra Golf Club and approach their management staff and/or board members to pitch my proposal to them and see if they would be willing to cooperate. And after doing some hunting around on the internet, i was unable to source any photographs of these members of staff, perhaps that's a good thing.

There just happens to be 6 appointed managers at The Royal Canberra Golf Club, which is perfect.

I can think of a few settings to do the photoshoot, but ultimately i feel it is important to either include parts of the clubhouse and/or a stylish section of the establishment or make use of an area that displays some of the club's history.

Anyway, i will make contact with them and see how i get on.


If things don't work out for me with Royal Canberra - or even if they do, my other thought was to also do a group portrait of 6 architects at one of their favourite creations in or around Canberra. I could assess the establishment and then devise a creative way of arranging each person within the framed image like the following picture.

I would like to try photograph a local architectural firm here in Canberra and photograph either one of the directors or senior architects. I think their office spaces will be interesting enough to make a nice simple location background and hopefully i can then go out with them to one of their creations for an interesting environmental portrait.

1. For the standard head and shoulders portrait i could set up the portable lighting and portable white background that i own in their office space. There is likely to be a sufficient amount of natural window light available within their office environment which i might also be able to work with somehow.


2. The slightly more creative portrait could definitely include some simple shapes, lines and colours to make up a subtle indication of an office environment.


3. Doing an environmental portrait of an architect i feel, definitely requires an interesting, but not too distracting part of a building that the architect has actually designed and created. This could be rendered with texture, shape, colour etc. It might seem cheesy, but perhaps even a hint of some drafting plans or similar faintly displayed in the distance would work well.


How will i do it..?

Thankfully i own an Elinchrom portable lighting kit. I can use this for each of my shots either by itself, or in conjunction sync this kit with my Canon 430EX speedlite to give me a total of 3 lights should i require it. I also have a number of light modifiers i can make use of. I will spend further time planning out which will be the most suitable to use once i know exactly which of the above ideas i am going ahead.

The advantage i have with this kit is absolute portability. I can set it up inside an office space if need be for the more formal portraits as well as then take it outside for any group and/or environmental portraits.