Tuesday 21 August 2012

Monoblock Flash


This afternoon's class was very good. 

We had the chance to get up off our bums and use some of the portable lighting kits available to us first years to experiment with balancing exposures and simply start to get our heads around the technology and the equipment itself.

So as always we were split into groups and started to see what we could come up with.

Here are some shots.


The mono-block kit equipment in its casing.

One of Tabitha's amazingly colourful stockings/leg

Belinda getting her hands dirty and showing us all
how to setup and adjust the lighting kits.

A quick portrait of William Straw.

A behind the scenes snap shot of how we went about
things during today's mono-block experimenting.

Angus unknowingly posing.

The outdoor fashion shoot that was happening only
a few meters from ours. Pretty sure RED was the
colour of the day.

William framing up me as i frame up him :]

Angus and Subas desperately trying to get through
the glass to join in on our photo-shoot.

Subas gave in and started selling umbrellas.

Kiki giving me some attitude. Either that
or she just smelt Gus's fart :]

A quick and candid turn-around portrait of Subas.

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