Monday 24 September 2012

Corporate Portraiture - continued research.

Okay so after my first visit to Royal Canberra last week and taking time to review my images i decided i needed to look into things further and get some more inspiration happening as well as look closer into the actual posing of my subjects so that on my next shoot i can go there with more confidence and basically set-up and then clearly communicate how i want them positioned, my camera angles and their expressions syncing well together for some better results.

I am going to the club tomorrow morning to deliver some recent photographs that i will be paid for, but have thought whilst there i will take a bit of time to scout around to find some appropriate angle for further shots as well as the all-important group shot.

Location will also be dependant on time of day lighting. I feel it is important to include (obviously) parts of the clubhouse and course. I also need to consider my camera angle - should i go high and gain a different perspective and allow people to look up and engage with me and flatten out double chins and the like - or shoot from low looking up from a part of the course towards the clubhouse - either way i will do some quick recce shots tomorrow before i leave.

Below is a collection of my further research online and it includes a mixture of tightly cropped head-shoulders portraits with white backgrounds; wider, relaxed portraits with slightly more interesting backgrounds; as well as one or two environmental portraits to help get my brain ticking with a few new ideas of my own for this assignment.



Wednesday 19 September 2012

Class trip to Queanbeyan.

Didn't think i would make this little class excursion out to Queanbeyan with everyone to take photographs on location, but thankfully i managed to finish the corporate shots that i was doing at Royal Canberra Golf Club with JUST enough time to then high-tail it out to Q-town  to join with them.

I feel everyone enjoyed being free from the constraints of a classroom (like always) to roam the street taking photographs of random things and random people whilst hopefully also learning as they went along in a real-world way.

We were asked to take a few photographs of what we thought spoke "QUEANBEYAN" and then grab a portrait or two of some local "Q-TOWNER'S" to then blog so Belinda could take a moment to review what we came away with.

I kind of forgot about the whole take photos of things and focussed more on grabbing some portraits - in my defence i will say that typical me probably chatted for too long with my subjects and ran out of time to go photograph things.

Anyway, here are my portraits.


A delightful women with her little dog (not pictured).

Gary. A true all-round decent Aussie bloke.

Gary. A true all-round decent Aussie bloke.

John & wife (not pictured) from the Blue Mountains.

A quick self portrait.

RCGC - Corporate shoot.

Okay, so i finally had a chance within my busy calendar to make it back to Royal Canberra Golf Club to do my first run of corporate portraits for my major assessment task. Below are the results, i can see areas that need more attention and i will head back to re-shoot once i have had time to run these past Belinda and gain some feedback from her.

I only took my speedlite, pop-out white/black background and 5in1 reflector. I fitted my mini-softbox to the speedlite and had it producing f/8 - with the reading from the silver reflector just out of frame reading f/5.6ish. I don't feel the speedlite gave a good enough "spread" of light - maybe i'm being hard on myself.

Each of my subjects was photographed in both landscape and portrait orientation.

I felt i was able to communicate with each of my subjects on an individual level and continued to ask questions relating to what they do away from work in order to try take them to their "happy place" haha. I feel Patrick was the only one i had trouble getting to relax into a natural smile.

Things i need to fix:

  • the background needs to be white, not grey.
  • pay closer attention to shadows on the face.
  • pay closer attention to those with glasses on.
  • ensure subjects are looking relaxed and natural.
  • ensure items of clothing look appealing and straight.

Anyway, with all that said take a moment to have a squiz at these.


Amanada Menard.

Mark Childs.








My little set-up for the above portraits.

The following photographs are a collection of more




