Wednesday 19 September 2012

Class trip to Queanbeyan.

Didn't think i would make this little class excursion out to Queanbeyan with everyone to take photographs on location, but thankfully i managed to finish the corporate shots that i was doing at Royal Canberra Golf Club with JUST enough time to then high-tail it out to Q-town  to join with them.

I feel everyone enjoyed being free from the constraints of a classroom (like always) to roam the street taking photographs of random things and random people whilst hopefully also learning as they went along in a real-world way.

We were asked to take a few photographs of what we thought spoke "QUEANBEYAN" and then grab a portrait or two of some local "Q-TOWNER'S" to then blog so Belinda could take a moment to review what we came away with.

I kind of forgot about the whole take photos of things and focussed more on grabbing some portraits - in my defence i will say that typical me probably chatted for too long with my subjects and ran out of time to go photograph things.

Anyway, here are my portraits.


A delightful women with her little dog (not pictured).

Gary. A true all-round decent Aussie bloke.

Gary. A true all-round decent Aussie bloke.

John & wife (not pictured) from the Blue Mountains.

A quick self portrait.

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